


id:yuco:20031219 でとりあげたへディー・ラマーだが、非常に充実したサイトを見つけた。

id:yuco:20031219 でリンクしたサイトにも同じ指摘があったが、「忘れられた女神たち」に取り上げられている自伝はやはりゴーストライターによるもので、ライターを訴えていたようだ。ただし、人生で6回結婚したというのは事実のようで、やっぱり恋愛面でパワフルな人だと思うけど。

Another scandal resulted from her purported autobiography "Ecstasy and Me," which also came out in 1966. The book is mostly full of Hollywood gossip, and indulges in a long series of kiss-and-tell stories starring the actress herself. Lamarr felt that the book damaged her reputation, and she sued the ghostwriter and the publisher, charging them with "misrepresentation," but the harm done to her image proved to be irreparable.


As the self-styled "bad boy of music," he dismayed his audiences by integrating the sounds of machines into his works. His famous "Ballet Mecanique" was written for eight pianos, four xylophones, two electric doorbells, two airplane propellers, four large drums, and sirens.